Flight support

Worldwide air cargo transportation is a complex multi-tiered process. One of the major key success factors of its stable operation includes competent planning and management of flight operations.

35 years of successful operations at the global air cargo market allowed Volga-Dnepr Airlines’ specialists to gain experience and competence in various aviation works and services, among them being aeronautical, organizational, ground and flight dispatch support of flights.

In February 2012, Volga-Dnepr opened a new Air Traffic Control Center in its office in Ulyanovsk (Russia). It is a modern four-storied building with a total area of 3,760.9 sq. m. The Center is equipped with sophisticated IT-solutions and is one of the up-to-date and efficient flight control complexes in the world.

Apart from organizing flights for Volga-Dnepr Airlines, its specialists are ready to offer services to third-party companies:

Air navigation and flight control support

  • Checking the suitability of airfields for take-off/landing/taxiing for each type of aircraft (AC);
  • Map out an optimal route for the entire flight and each flight leg according to a given criterion (cost, cargo capacity, flight time, distance) considering restrictions (non-standard airspace structure, NOTAM, hazardous meteorological factors, flying around countries due to military-political restrictions);
  • Preparing a four-dimensional detailed flight plan;
  • Submitting flight plan and coordinating the route in respective ATC zones;
  • Collecting and analyzing weather and wind data along the flight route and at planned airfields with the issuance of recommendations for flight and technical crews;
  • Collecting and identifying NOTAM restrictions that affect the ability to perform a flight according to the schedule;
  • Calculating fuel volume, with tanking efficiency in mind;
  • Avoiding hazardous weather phenomena (frontal thunderstorms and typhoons, volcanic ash clouds, areas of strong headwinds, areas of strong turbulence, areas of severe icing or extremely low temperatures leading to problems with aerodynamics or fuel supply to engines) on the basis of weather forecast along the route;
  • Preparation and delivery of a complete package of flight documentation for each flight with an emphasis on important features and restrictions on the route or at planned airfields during the pre-flight briefing (upon request).

Organization and ground handling support

  • Obtaining permits from countries for overflight and landing, considering the type of cargo within the timeframes published by official authorities of the respective countries;
  • Coordination of acceptance/release and ground handling of aircraft at planned airports and airports of emergency landing;
  • Organization of aircraft refueling and ground handling of the aircraft crew and cargo at planned airports and airports of emergency landing;
  • Consulting on the timing and routes of transportation. Assistance with flight schedule preparation.

Operational and situational management of transportation

  • Prompt assistance to the crew during the flight in case of any deviations from the planned route or landing airport;
  • Operational coordination of changes with the ATC authorities and airport services.

Customs and border support

  • Consulting and support for customs and border procedures at the airport — provided upon confirmation of the possibility from the suppliers of Volga-Dnepr Airlines.

Obtaining traffic rights and permits from aviation authorities

  • Consulting and support for the process of carrier’s accreditation in the aviation authorities of foreign countries — a representative will consult and provide support in obtaining carrier’s accreditation.

The Volga-Dnepr team will be happy to process your request and answer any questions, please send them to VDA.Flight.Support@volga-dnepr.com.